Keep TJ Walking!

Just Plain Silly will be twisting balloons at a special event, Sunday, Sept. 8.

Just Plain Silly will be twisting balloons at a special event, Sunday, Sept. 8.

Just Plain Silly will be twisting balloons at Keep TJ Walking, a special event that’s helping TJ O’Donnell, a courageous three-year-old from Cherry Hill who’s battling Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. We’ll be there twisting balloons earlier at the event, but there will be a lot of great bands playing throughout the day. Hope to see you there!

Just Plain Silly Joins Famous Saratov Circus

April Fool's!


So by now you’ve realized what day it is today. But don’t worry, you didn’t just click for nothing!

For being such a good sport, I’m giving away a $50 gift certificate today – no foolin’ – and you’re invited to try and win it! All you have to do is:

  • Be a fan of my Facebook page. You can find it by clicking here.
  • E-mail me and put: “Okay, you got me!” in the subject line.

Any one who does this by 11:59 p.m. today will be entered in a drawing to win!

So… APRIL FOOL’S! And good luck!