Join Us For The Third Annual Pennsauken Harvest Festival

2016-harvest-fesitvalUnfortunately, today’s event has been cancelled. We’re super bummed. 🙁

Due to large amount of rain that fell overnight, the grounds of the Pennsauken Community Recreation Complex are just too saturated with water to safely setup and hold this year’s Pennsauken Harvest Festival.

As the majority of the vendors, etc. have committed to other events this month, the Harvest Festival is unfortunately cancelled for this year.

We appreciate people’s understanding in this matter and hope that Mother Nature is a in a better mood for next year’s event.


Just Plain Silly Returns To Saint Charles Borromeo Carnival!

SCBCarnival2016We always have a great time at Saint Charles Borromeo’s Parish Carnival. And we’re very thankful that they’ve invited us back again this year!

From June 13-18, the Carnival has special events each night. We’ll be there during Handstamp Night, Tuesday, June 14, where $20 gets you unlimited rides all night! We’ll also be twisting at the Friday Kiddie Carnival on June 17, where $12 handstamps get you unlimited rides 12:00 – 4:00 p.m.

Hope to see you there!

This Weekend’s Headed To The Dogs…

We don’t just like twisting balloon dogs; we’re pretty fond of the actually, fluffy, four-legged variety as well! That’s why we’re very, very excited to be entertaining visitors at these great pet-friendly fundraisers!

4x4 2016On Saturday, June 11, we’ll be twisting at the Paws and Feet 5K Run and Walk and Smile Mile™ Fun Walk. Sponsored by the Animal Welfare Association, the event is held at Eastern Regional High School, 1401 Laurel Oak Rd, Voorhees, NJ, from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Come find us by the main stage!


13331118_1029583930412635_3459149791355845258_nThen on Sunday, June 12, we’ll be balloon twisting and face painting at the second annual Merchantville Mutt Strutt! This great event is held from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. on Centre St. and Chestnut Ave., right across from the Merchantville Fire Station. Proceeds from this event benefit both the Animal Welfare Association and the Foundation for Pets.

Hope to see you at these great community events!