Pennsauken Township turned 125 this year and they’re ready to have a really big party on Sunday Aug. 27! We’ll be balloon twisting during this great birthday bash! Hope to see you there!
The Easter Bunny’s Coming To Pennsauken!
Here Comes Peter Cotton Tail…
It’s that time of year again! Easter will be here before you know it! Do you have your bunny? If you don’t, there’s STILL time! E-mail to find out how you can have the Easter Bunny entertain at your upcoming brunch, party, or egg hunt!
Santa Helps With A Marriage Proposal!
As a Santa, you get to take part in some pretty special moments, like this marriage proposal! Congratulations to Brad and Necole!
A Great Time At Tea With Santa!
We had a great time helping out My Little Sweet Tea Parties with their “Tea with Santa” event! If you’re looking to have Santa come visit your little ones, be sure to e-mail us right away. Santa is very busy this time of year!